We have recently launched a new programme to support HR Directors and Heads of L&OD, like you, with ongoing professional growth and development.
What does this look like?
We run groups consisting of fellow HR Leaders from different organisations. Within these groups, we work together to facilitate a deepening of your HR leadership practice. In doing so, we help you increase your self-awareness and to positively influence the impact you have on your team and organisation.
HR Super-Vision enables you to be the HR Leader you want to be.
As a senior HR Leader in your organisation, you have a holistic view of the organisation and its culture, systems and strategies.
You are in complex and multi-layered relationships across the organisation and hold many, sometimes conflicting, confidences. You are required to influence senior business leaders, and you strive to change the thinking and behaviours of others. You may be part of a large HR function working across units and regions or be the sole senior HR leader in the organisation, juggling all the balls.
Whatever your HR role looks like, your world may at times feel overwhelming and uncertain. Maybe you sometimes feel stuck, or perhaps you’ve felt unheard, undervalued, and alone.
As HR Director, you work in service of the business: reflecting, solving problems, and working interpersonally. However, you may find you have limited time to attend to your own needs, or to step back and see what is going on for your team, the task at hand, and the individuals you work with.
An HR Super-Vision group can provide you with a safe, non-judgemental space to pause and take care of your needs, so that you can attend to others.
Remember the airline safety briefing: In the event of loss of cabin pressure, put on your own oxygen mask before helping others with theirs!
In our HR Super-Vision groups, you will find a community full of experience and knowledge, and in which you can receive and contribute wisdom and support. You will find new perspectives, insights, and solutions. Our groups help you to orient yourself, which in turn builds your confidence and resilience.
How does it work?
The program is based on a coaching supervision model that provides four key areas of focus and support:
- Building and reconnecting with skills; strengths and other resources;
- Professional relationships, group dynamics and creating safe spaces for open, honest conversations;
- Personal psychological and energetic wellbeing and resilience;
- Creating and holding boundaries; best practice and navigating ethical dilemmas.
Each group co-creates a safe, non-judgemental space to pause and reflect. Within the group, you learn from your experiences, your reactions, and your professional relationships. This process enables you to operate at your best more of the time.

Liz and Doug believe that “Who We Are Is How We Supervise”, and therefore, “Who You Are Is How You Practice Your Profession”. HR Super-Vision is about ongoing growth, learning, and developing personal and professional self-awareness and resourcefulness.
We will facilitate creative ways to reflect on and learn from your experiences as leaders in a supportive and confidential non-judgemental space.
What are people saying?
Over the last six months, participants of our HR Super-Vision group have told us that they have found Super-Vision to be a valuable asset. All first-timers, they have found themselves reconnecting with their experience and strengths. We are told they have found increased confidence with which to tackle the next part of their strategy or to see new ways forward through leadership issues.
To join or for more information please contact us:
Doug@Science-meets-Creativity.co.uk or Liz@Science-meets-creativity.co.uk
Please share this with others in your network who may benefit from accessing this powerful resource.
Thank you,
Liz Nottingham and Doug Montgomery