We believe that coaching supervision enables coaches to serve their clients with authenticity, integrity, energy, resilience, and whole-heartedness.
We are offering small group Super-Vision sessions for professional coaches who want to increase their reflective capacity and to learn from their own experiences and the experiences and perspectives of other coaches.
Our group work enables you to explore who you are as a coach and who you are in your relationships with your coachees and clients.
How does it work?
We work by accessing your feelings, thinking, emotions, and energy. This allows whatever needs attention to emerge. We are focused on your growth and development as a coach, your professional practice, and your energy and psychological wellbeing. It is natural to want to find answers as soon as possible. However, sitting with the discomfort of “not knowing” allows new ways of thinking to emerge. In partnership, we offer to hold your feet to the fire of “not knowing” just that little bit longer, to allow new ideas and insights and awareness to come forth and inform your coaching practice.

Who is it for?
We run three types of Super-Vision groups for coaches. These groups are targeted at:
- Trained accredited professional coaches with an active coaching practice.
- Internal coaches who coach within their organisation alongside their “day job”. These coaches have a regular client coaching portfolio. Our professional supervision supports them with their client work and assists their continuing growth and development as a coach.
- Organisations seeking independent professional and accredited supervision for their internal coaching panel. These organisations recognise the importance and value of external perspective; they are aware that supervision sourced from within their system may perpetuate
Prior experience of any kind of supervision is not necessary.
To join or for more information please contact us:
Doug@Science-meets-Creativity.co.uk or Liz@Science-meets-creativity.co.uk
Please share this with others in your network who may benefit from accessing this powerful resource.
Thank you,
Liz Nottingham and Doug Montgomery